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consulting skills

Staying Fresh - Three Keys to Growth in Everyday Interactions
Career Advancement, Communicating, Project Management, Project Management Professional (PMP)®, Stakeholders, Virtual Teams, Watermark Learning

Staying Fresh – Three Keys to Growth in Everyday Interactions

 August makes me think of lots of things: hot summer days, lemonade stands, and one of the most popular topics in the media this time of year, the summer slide. I’m not talking about the summer slide like the one you’d see at a swimming pool. I’m talking about the “slide” of students who fall […]

Business Analyst World 2012 Key Take-Aways (Bangalore, India)
Agile, BA Training, Business Analysis, Change, Communicating, Facilitation, Influencing and Consulting, Organizational Change Mgmt., Stakeholders, Watermark Learning

Business Analyst World 2012 Key Take-Aways (Bangalore, India)

Elizabeth and I recently travelled to India to speak and exhibit at two BA World conferences there – one in Pune and one in Bangalore. The sessions struck us as some of the most interactive presentations we’ve ever given (or attended). Based on the questions and discussions, the attendees seemed knowledgeable, and hungry for more. One

Q&A for The BA as Management Consultant Webinar
BA Training, Business Analysis, Consulting Skills, Watermark Learning

Q&A for: The BA as Management Consultant Webinar – 4/17/2012

In a recent webinar I gave on Fantastic Voyage or Impossible Dream? The BA as Management Consultant, we had limited time for questions and answers. Below are answers to all the unanswered questions received during the session. Q: Would you mind reviewing the 4 types of Consultants and their posture with the business – Expert,