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7 Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation Q&A Part 1
Business Analysis, Elicitation, Facilitation, Influencing and Consulting, Requirements Analysis, Stakeholders, Virtual Teams, Watermark Learning

7 Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation Q&A Part 1

Thanks to all of you who attended Watermark Learning’s webinar Seven Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation. Thank you for the outstanding response. I do apologize that we didn’t have time to address all the questions during the session. I know some of you would have liked to hear all the questions and […]

What’s Done is Done, Not Just Complete
Communicating, Estimating and Planning, Project Management, Stakeholders

What’s Done is Done, Not Just Complete

Last month, I was driving through a major highway construction project when my passenger commented how excited she was because she’d heard that the project was nearing completion and would be finished before year-end.  I took a quick gander at the site and responded that I was sure whatever source she’d heard that from must

Conference Call Best Practice – If One is Virtual, All are Virtual
Communicating, Facilitation, Influencing and Consulting, Organizational Change Mgmt., Project Management, Stakeholders, Virtual Teams, Watermark Learning

Conference Call Best Practice – If One is Virtual, All are Virtual

Virtualization.  It’s no longer a question of do you work virtually, but how much of your day is spent working with others with whom you have little or no face time. Frankly, this can appeal to our less-industrious selves.  How often, when we could take the opportunity for face-to-face communications, do we resort to something

Assessing Organizational Readiness Webinar Q&A
Change, Influencing and Consulting, Organizational Change Mgmt., Project Management, Stakeholders, Watermark Learning

Assessing Organizational Readiness Webinar Q&A

We recently hosted a lively webinar on Organizational Change Management titled “Is Your Organization Project Capable? Assessing Organizational Readiness” by one of our senior training instructors, Stevie Peterson. There were tons of questions and time ran out before we could answer all of them. Stevie wrote answers to the leftover questions, and we list them

Business Analyst World 2012 Key Take-Aways (Bangalore, India)
Agile, BA Training, Business Analysis, Change, Communicating, Facilitation, Influencing and Consulting, Organizational Change Mgmt., Stakeholders, Watermark Learning

Business Analyst World 2012 Key Take-Aways (Bangalore, India)

Elizabeth and I recently travelled to India to speak and exhibit at two BA World conferences there – one in Pune and one in Bangalore. The sessions struck us as some of the most interactive presentations we’ve ever given (or attended). Based on the questions and discussions, the attendees seemed knowledgeable, and hungry for more. One

Is there a Resource Shortage or a Priority Shortage
Communicating, Estimating and Planning, Estimating and Planning, Facilitation, Influencing and Consulting, Organizational Change Mgmt., Project Management, Stakeholders, Watermark Learning

Is there a Resource Shortage or a Priority Shortage?

When I ask students for their biggest challenges in managing projects, they usually tell me it’s the lack of people, time, or money. They just don’t have enough resources to get done what’s expected of them.  I don’t doubt it. The relentless battle cry to reduce waste and increase productivity has many project managers feeling